Emily Sheehy, Pledge Class 2020
I joined AOII because I made genuine connections with members I talked to during recruitment week. During my conversations with AOII, I always felt valued and that I could be myself. I stayed in AOII because since bid day my sisters have shown so much love and support for me. I know that no matter what I am growing through in my life I will always have AOII by my side to get me through. I also have gained so many leadership opportunities within AOII from holding different leadership positions since I was a freshman. Alpha Omicron Pi has given me my forever friends and so many opportunities to grow in my leadership skills.
.Gabi Auch Moedy, Pledge Class 2019
I joined because it gave me a home away from home and a place where I could be myself and be accepted for everything that I am. I stayed because it gave me all of my friends and the greatest people I could ever have in my life who support me and love me and are there for me in any moment I need them to be.
Charlie Griffith, Pledge Class 2018
I initially joined AOII because I had a great preference day conversation about anxiety, which was something I struggled with a lot in high school. The girl I talked to opened up to me about that and it was the first time I didn’t feel so alone. I stayed partly because of all the fun memories I’ve made with my sisters, but mostly because of the encouragement I’ve received from other AOII’s. In high school, I didn’t try out for leadership positions because I didn’t think I was good enough for them, but the women here told me that I was capable of accomplishing BIG goals, and that what I had to say mattered. Most recently, my sisters have been encouraging me to workout more and to work really hard at school.
Cheyanne Diessner, Pledge Class 2017
Honestly, my reason changes each week, it just depends! My Why AOII, and why I have stayed a member these past four years, is realizing that I am contributing to something that is much bigger than myself. This organization means so much more than the functions, formals, sisterhood events, and weekly meetings. I get to be a part of something that contributes to our community and makes every day a little brighter for someone else. How could I walk away from something that has given me, and the community, so much? AOII has given me opportunities beyond belief. I have gained leadership experiences, job opportunities, scholarships, volunteering, (almost) study abroad, joined organizations, and made so so many connections. I have made my mark on UNK with the help of this sorority. Another reason is my sisters. I don’t know where I’d be without them. We’ve all gone through trying times this past year, and it is very comforting to know that there’s always someone out there thinking about me and wondering if I’m doing okay. Some have come and gone, graduated and moved on, but they’ll always be in my heart. Every single one of them have made an impact on me. I am fortunate to experience a very trying time in history with the ones who I get to choose to love, everyday.